Mulroy Bay – Just plain Brilliant

Hi Everyone,

 I am still just a newbie at this Farm Simulator thing, but I am really enjoying myself. I am totally digging farming in the UK. Makes me wish I was there. Anyway, I am a 4th generation immigrant from Ireland. It isn’t that long ago that my great, great Grandfather and Mother took a ship to the USA and made a home here. I have always felt a kindship with Ireland. Since map modding is such a big part of the Farm Sim adventure, I just had to get my hands on an Irish map to farm on. I found Mulroy Bay.

 What can I say about Mulroy Bay? It’s truly brilliant. The rolling fairly steep hills are something. Its narrow streets are quite the challenge to navigate. The shrubbery that is everywhere allows one to pass through, I couldn’t imagine the difficulty of navigation if pass through was not allowed. Many maps don’t allow that. The navigation through the farms is way tight. It will be something a farmer has to get use too. A good handle of one’s tractor is a must for this game because there is plenty structures wanting to snag a tractor. It’s not exactly a map for the novice.

 I truly love this map. However, there is no Biogas Plant. I think that would have been icing on the cake. A farmer is given ownership of all the fields at the start of the save. Most are grass fields. I have only found three fields ready to go for planting. All the grass fields will need ploughed to convert them to a crop field. All that grass that could be mowed and collected for silage. I personally like the Biogas spin on the game and I think that not including the plant is disappointing. Ahh, but no worries mate. I am getting by. Hehe

 Like I said before, not exactly a map for a novice just starting out. Making money to keep the farm alive takes a bit of creativity. There is no Biogas plant to run too for cash. I have taken another approach in my save. I’m going for the other cash cow, electricity. Yep, solar panels and when I get the capital, a windmill. These things are definitely a must if a person wants a steady income coming in. I have five solar panels at the moment giving me quite a boost of income. I was able to pay off my debt also.

 Solar panels are quite expensive so I ended up selling some land for the capital needed to purchase them. I figured I’m not using them so why not. I can always purchase the land for the same amount so it won’t be like I am out of anything. The banking mod I’m using allows for selling so that’s what I did. It worked out perfectly, I was able to purchase the solar panels. My “Green Initiative” is in full swing. My next purchase will be the expensive windmill. For the amount of return of investment coming in, one would think I am powering the whole region. Yes, windmills are a huge investment but they will pay for themselves and then some.

 Another heavy investment I did in this Mulroy Bay save is cows. Lots of cows. I have a 100 dairy cows and 100 cows for beef production. This is just a start. I plan on raising those numbers in the future. There is definitely a return in investment. It has really helped my bottom line.

 As for crops, I have planted wheat for the straw. I have also just planted sugar beets. I am going to rent the harvester to harvest the crop. I just do not have the funds to purchase it. Plus, if I can rent it, I don’t see the need to purchase it.

 Most of my heavy work is feeding the cows and keeping them at a 100% productivity. I have been baling hay and straw. Plus, I have a little bit of silage for the mix of the three. I have to keep those cows happy.

Some of my future projects is sugar beet crop. I do have my first crop in the ground as of this writing. Supposedly, this crop has a good return. A must when I don’t have much money in the bank. Yes, the income is coming in but I need to save for that windmill. I would also like to get into sheep. Not sure how the wool thing would go, but I’m sure I can figure it out.

 Anyway, give Mulroy Bay a try. I think you will enjoy it like I have.

 Happy Farming!

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